Top Ten Posts for July 2011

leadership blogJuly was a busy month for me. It included a weeklong road trip moving my family from New York City to Bentonville, Arkansas followed by trying to settle into our new home while delivering two back-to-back weeks of Leadership Academy for Walmart. Amid the chaos I was able to share six blog posts. Here were the month’s top performers:

1. The 7 Elements of Surprise

2. Leading with your “Yes”

3. The Power of Listening

4. Why Every Leader Should Take an Improv Class

5. Leadership or Manipulation?

6. The Power of Authentic Questions

7. 3 Keys to Leading Yourself Well

8. 10 Things I Learned from Boy Scouts

9. Exposing the Authenticity Excuse

10. How to Keep your Organization Flying High

From the top ten, four were new this month (3, 7, 9, 10), four were posted this year (1, 2, 5, 6), and two were from last year (4 & 8).

If you blog, what was your best post in July?

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