Leap Challenge Day 13: Identify Key Influencers

LeadershipIf your dream is big, you won’t accomplish it in a vacuum. You’ll encounter all kinds of people. Some will be for you, others against you. You can leverage them both to propel your dream toward reality.

But you have to identify them first.

Leap Task #13: Write down the names of key people who can influence the success of your dream.

Search for people you know who fit the following categories:

1. Confidants. These are people who support you personally. They include mentors and advisors as well as close family and friends. It should be a small group—made up of not many more names than you gathered for Leap Task 11 (Choose Who to Tell).

2. Coworkers. These are people who will work with you to achieve the goal. It doesn’t matter how big or small their role or responsibility, if they’ll be part of the extended team that makes it all happen, write down their name.

3. Contacts. These are people who can indirectly help your cause or know people who can. This is where your network comes into play. Everyone has a network. Think outside the box—acquaintances at church, colleagues at work, the parents of your kids’ friends—anyone who might be able to forward your cause.

4. Critics. These are people who are either against your you or your dream. Try to anticipate who they may be. They might be openly belligerent or they might just be the undermining type. Either way, identify them now (we’ll deal with them later in the challenge).

How easy will it be to assemble your team when the time comes?

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