I have roughly 1,268 things vying for my attention at any given moment. Worse than the sheer volume, is that most of these things are good things.
If I don’t act deliberately, I’ll start a project only to be interrupted by a shiny new idea. But I only get a few inches into that new endeavor before I’m lured into something else. Before I know it, I’m exhausted—and I haven’t done anything useful at all. The mirage of multitasking has swallowed me whole.
The same thing can happen with our big goals. We can have so many ideas we don’t know where to start—so we don’t.
That’s why today we’re going to narrow down our list of 50 dreams.
Leap Task #3: Choose ONE of your dreams to focus on for the remainder of the challenge.
Not that you can’t apply the lessons and techniques you learn over the next few weeks to other dreams, goals or projects. But for the sake of this challenge, we’re going to focus our efforts on one single dream.
You can choose a dream from any category (short-term, mid-term, or long-term). Even if you have a long-term dream of visiting Antarctica or owning your own home, there are things you can—and must—do now to make that dream come true.
The dream you choose doesn’t need to be the biggest or the have the highest profile, but it does need to extremely important to you. Finally, it should be a dream that stretches you. One that goes beyond anything you’ve ever done, but is still within the realm of possibility.
How did you narrow your dream list down to the one big dream you’re going to pursue?