My Approach
Hi there! Welcome to my digital home base, where you can learn more about me, my work, and how I might help you. My work with leaders revolves around one simple question: How can we become more trustworthy?
This question springs from three beliefs:
- Everyone deserves a leader they can trust – a caring, competent leader of character you can count on. When people have a leader like that, there’s almost no limit to what they can accomplish.
- Everyone can develop themselves into a trustworthy leader. There is a proven process for leader growth; I didn’t come up with it; I just try to explain it in simple and actionable ways.
- Becoming more trustworthy generates better results. Investing in your own trustworthiness pays long-lasting dividends in business outcomes, mental health, and all your relationships.
These beliefs drive my quest to help leaders become more worthy of trust. Now, I don’t have the whole puzzle figured out, and I still have a lot to learn, but I have found and put together some pieces you might find helpful.
I’ve worked, led, and developed leaders in a wide variety of divergent contexts around the world over the last 30 years:
- I’ve worked as an executive in the world’s largest company…and I’ve worked with refugees in the Middle East.
- I drove a forklift in Ohio…and I piloted the world’s most advanced attack helicopter on three different continents.
- I graduated from West Point with an Engineering Physics degree…and I worked as a professional actor in NYC.
Synthesizing my experiences with research in psychology, physics, economics, history, mathematics, philosophy, engineering, etc. forms the foundation of my work on becoming more trustworthy.
I’ve found this approach to leader development has worked everywhere from frontlines to backrooms, from classrooms to cockpits, from corporate corner offices to Silicon Valley garages. I’ve used it to develop leaders at universities, hospitals, and companies like Walmart, Google, Facebook, Apple, IBM, Chick-fil-A, JP Morgan, HBO, Autozone, and more.
I don’t claim the lens of trustworthiness is the only way to look at leadership, but it is the one I use and I’ve found it quite useful. Hopefully, you’ll find it valuable as you develop yourself into the leader you always wanted.
You matter,