
Geoff Webb

Weathering the Storms

Life can come at you hard. Ever feel like you give, give, give, but never get your own tank filled? Ever felt completely lost after a big life change, unsure what to do next? Ever wondered how—or if—you should adjust your plans when the unexpected happens? Like most people, at some point in my life I’ve […]

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What Do You Stand For?

At The Referent Group, we’ve asked this question to hundreds of people over the past few years: “When was the first woman elected to Congress in the US?” Answers usually range from the 1970s to as far back as the 1930s. What’s your guess? The answer may surprise you—it did me. The year was 1916! That’s

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Resolutions vs. Habits

Once again, it’s that time of year when people are tempted to make New Year Resolutions. Some people are full of hope and energy. Some are gritting their teeth and trying again. Still others have failed so many times they don’t even bother. So why are resolutions so hard to keep? Because most of our resolutions

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Can You Trust An Enemy?

A strange and wonderful thing happened on the Western Front in December 1914. Four months into the most brutal conflict the world had yet known, the unexpected happened: Peace broke out. The Allies and the Germans had already fought to a stalemate in western Europe, digging into defensive trenches and peppering each other with incessant

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