Building a Trustworthy Life

Two weeks ago I was learning to frame, install, and finish exterior walls in a Central American fishing village.

Mario, who took me under his wing, was a skilled craftsman, patient teacher, and hard worker. Our master/apprentice relationship was mirrored across the job site where amateurs and experts mingled together on different projects.

That’s what you would have seen on the surface.

Deeper down, we were building much more than a few community classrooms. We were rebuilding lives. What you wouldn’t know by looking at them, is that Mario and his fellow workers are recovering drug addicts, ex-cons, and ex-gang members who are trying to escape their violent past and build a better future.

Participants arrive destitute, having wrecked their minds, bodies, and relationships with decisions they made on the streets. They reach the point where they realize they can no longer trust themselves.

The ability to trust yourself wisely is crucial to becoming truly trustworthy for others. This is how I saw the elements of Trustworthiness being developed in these men:

  • Authenticity: Their recovery centers on forming a solid identity based on values rooted in their Christian faith. Turns out it’s hard to be yourself if you don’t know who you are.
  • Benevolence: Over the course of several months, participants begin to work out their identity by living and serving in community.
  • Competence: Along the way, they acquire marketable skills, learn money management, and develop techniques for peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Dependability: Over time they develop identity-based habits that prove to themselves and others that they are becoming reliable and responsible.

Working and living with these men, listening to their stories, and seeing who they are becoming was truly inspiring. It’s hard work, but trustworthiness can be developed. Mario and his friends are living proof.

For Reflection: How are you helping someone build a trustworthy life?

Update: 94% Proposal Complete

With over 60,000 words written, I’m currently focusing on putting my book proposal together.

Catching up from being gone, so again no new progress to report. This is the last week I can use this as an reason!

9/10 Content (10%)

9/10 Market (10%)

4/5 Author (5%)

24/25 Synopsis (25%)

48/50 Sample Chapters (50%)

94/100 Total (100%)

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