
Geoff Webb

Life-Changing Motivation

I didn’t achieve much in my first few years of school. There was a lot more daydreaming than schoolwork getting done. But, Mr. Dennis changed all that. Having moved across the country with my family half-way through the school year, I showed up in Mr. Dennis’ 4th Grade class in March. He quickly—and accurately—pegged me as

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Trust Forged in Forgiveness

“To err is human, to forgive divine” – Alexander Pope Even in relationships where we’re committed long term and have engineered win-win opportunities, mistakes will happen. It’s the price of dealing with humans. How you respond to those mistakes is the difference between descending into distrust or taking trust to the next level. One day during the nascent years of the computer

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Highlighting the Future

Imagine two individuals are arrested for a crime. Each prisoner is isolated and presented with a choice: Trust the other prisoner by remaining silent, or betray them by testifying against them. The prisoners’ choices lead to the following consequences: At first glance, the rational choice is clear: betray the other to minimize personal consequences. However, this logic leads to a paradox. If both prisoners follow

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