
Geoff Webb

Building a Trustworthy Life

Two weeks ago I was learning to frame, install, and finish exterior walls in a Central American fishing village. Mario, who took me under his wing, was a skilled craftsman, patient teacher, and hard worker. Our master/apprentice relationship was mirrored across the job site where amateurs and experts mingled together on different projects. That’s what

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How to Dissect Distrust

“I don’t trust you.” Imagine for a moment saying those words to someone in your life—your boss, a family member, a friend. Now take a moment to imagine hearing those words from someone in your life—your boss, a family member, a friend. “I don’t trust you” is one of the the most devastating blows a relationship can take. It

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Ask the Tough Questions

In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. – Eric Hoffer In 1827, Sir Edward Parry embarked a bold and innovative expedition to reach the North Pole. He converted his boats into sledges when they hit polar ice and his

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