Go confidently in the direction of your dreams
– Henry David Thoreau
This is it. Leap Day. The day you’ve been looking forward to for at least a month—and probably for a lot longer than that. This is the day take a leap toward your dream.
Task #29: Let it rip!
If you’ve completed the first 28 tasks in this challenge, you are more than prepared to jump today with reckless abandon. You understand what you’re going after and why you’re going after it. You know the people you’ll need beside you. You’ve thought through how to best make your way. You’ve carefully considered the journey before you and prepared yourself to meet the challenges along the way.
What you don’t have:
- The illusion that this will be easy.
- The notion that you won’t have to sacrifice.
- The delusion that everything will go according to plan.
- The fantasy that this dream will come to you quickly.
- The misconception that you can do it all alone.
What you do have:
- An inescapable purpose that drives you.
- An aspirational vision that draws you.
- A host of people to support you.
- A plan leading you from here to there.
- And last—but not least—your eyes wide open.
After completing this challenge, you have every right to be bold. Don’t just shuffle across the start line—leap! Be confident. Be courageous. You’re ready…Go for it!
How did you leap today?